« Mondays on the prevention of psychosocial risks »

The effects of hyper connectivity

Marie Pezé

Doctor of Psychology, psychoanalyst, former legal expert, Head of the “Suffering and Work” consultation network

« We are all hyper-connected in all areas of our lives, including at work, and the boundary between our private and professional lives has become totally porous, if not invisible ».  Marie Pezé

Hyper connectivity: are we slaves or athletes of quantity?

In this period of sanitary crisis, the already high level of hyper-connectivity has taken over in the workplace. Teleworking forces us to work under different conditions that require us to be connected all the time, even outside normal working hours, at weekends and even on holidays. The boundaries that used to protect our privacy are gone!

This new work organisation is a major determinant of psychosocial risks.

How can we deal with it?

Even though on 21 January 2021 the European Parliament adopted the resolution on recommendations to the Commission on the right to disconnect (2019/2181(INL 1)), it is difficult for the right to disconnect to find its way into everyday services.

So how do we disconnect in order to preserve our health?

R&D called on Marie Pezé to shed some light on the subject.


Les lundis de la prévention des Risques Psychosociaux—Marie PEZE

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« The right to disconnect, a fundamental right to protect workers’ health » Alex Agius Saliba  REPLAY

Renard Déchaîné spécial Droit à la déconnexion FR EN