R&D has always denounced the unacceptable nature of the practice of parachuting, particularly at the end of each college term, highlighting its harmful consequences with regard to:
- the politicization of the public service and the questioning of its independence;
- the non-respect of the principles of ethics and integrity;
- the imposition of a policy of inequality of opportunities;
- staff demotivation;
- the system of unfair career progression.
We have…
- denounced to the administration and then, faced with its inaction, to the other institutions and the European Ombudsman, these detestable practices and every proven parachuting case, namely the recent one concerning the appointment of our Secretary-General;
- asked for a reform of the appointment procedures of senior management in order to put an end once and for all to these detestable practices.
The progress achieved…
While DG HR has always denied any merits in our criticism, Mr Selmayr and Mr Italianer, in their statements at the meeting of the College on 30 January 2017 and later on… said for their part that:
“Shall not be allowed”:
– “the appointment of Cabinet members to management positions in the Directorate-General operating under their portfolio and placed under their direct supervision.”
As well as the nomination of Cabinet members in a DG in order to obtain promotion and their reintegration in a Cabinet as soon as the promotion is granted.
These practices are demotivating for the rest of the staff who does not get promoted as fast as the Cabinet members.”
Unfortunately, these statements and the recognition of the merits of our critical analyses have not been followed by any effect… quite the opposite…
With your support, we will continue to…
- claim the end of these practices
- request the reform of appointment procedures
- remain vigilant and denounce any new slippage
- oppose with the utmost determination the organization of new
“adapted” internal competitions that DG HR will not fail to propose
in order to guarantee a more than easy appointment of the cabinet members
Our actions
2024 | ||
27/11/24 | “Parachuting” of cabinet members at the end of the College’s mandate and the composition of new cabinets | |
2019 | ||
12/03/19 | Note for the attention of Ms Clara Martinez, Head of President’s Juncker Cabinet and Mr Martin Selmayr, Secretary-General of the Commission – “Parachuting” of cabinet members at the end of the College’s term of office: the case of DG DEVCO | read |
19/02/19 | Note for the attention of Ms Clara Martinez, Head of President’s Juncker Cabinet and Mr Martin Selmayr, Secretary-General of the Commission – “Parachuting” of Cabinet members at the end of the College’s mandate; Statements of Mr Selmayr and Mr Italianer recorded in paragraph 7.12 of the minutes of the meeting of the Heads of Cabinets of 30 January 2017 | read |
2018 | ||
1/06/18 | Note to the attention of Mr Günther OETTINGER, Commissioner in charge of Budget and Human Resources – Inquiry of the European Ombudsman regarding the appointment of the new Secretary-General ; Parachuting, politicization of our civil service and urgent need to reform senior management appointment procedures in our institution | read |
23/03/18 | NOTE TO MR GÜNTHER OETTINGER – Your reply of 9 March to our note of 28 February concerning the College’s decisions of 21 February on the appointment of Mr Selmayr as the new Secretary-General and on several other appointments of Directors-General and Deputy Directors-General. | read |
28/02/18 | Note à l’attention de M. Martin SELMAYR Secrétaire général de la Commission européenne – Vos prises de positions successives contre les parachutages et votre propre parachutage sur le poste de Secrétaire général | lire |
9/01/18 | Mr Selmayr, Head of Cabinet to the President of the Commission, Mr Juncker and Mr Italianer, Secretary-General of the Commission – “Parachuting” of cabinet members at the end of the College’s term of office and your statements under item 7.5 of the minutes of the meeting of Heads of Cabinets on 23 November 2017 | read |
2017 | ||
7/06/17 | Note à l’attention de M. Selmayr, chef de cabinet du président Juncker et M. Italianer, Secrétaire général de la Commission – Vos déclarations lors de la réunion du 22 mai dernier sur la nécessité des Chefs de cabinets de respecter l’engagement et le travail de nos collègues du Secrétariat général | lire |
2/6/17 | Note to the attention of Mr Selmayr, Head of President Juncker’s cabinet and Mr Italianer, Secretary-General of the Commission – Appointment of a member of Mrs Jourová’s Cabinet to a management post at DG Justice, Freedom and Security (DG JLS) | read |
16/05/17 | Note to the attention of Mr Martin Selmayr, Head of President Juncker’s Cabinet, and Mr Alexander Italianer, Secretary-General of the Commission – Appointment of a member of Mr Moscovici’s cabinet to a management position at DG TAXUD | read |
22/03/17 | Note to the attention of M. Selmayr, Head of Cabinet of President Juncker, and of M. Italianer, Secretary-General of the Commission – Cabinet members’ «Parachuting» at the end of the College’s term of office | read |
6/02/17 | Note to the attention of Mr. Selmayr, President Juncker’s Head of Cabinet and Mr. Italianer, Secretray-General of the Commission – « Parachuting » of cabinet members: R&D thanks M. Selmayr and M. Italianer for their declarations during the heads of Cabinets’ meeting held on 30/01/2017. This is a very good start but it is not enough! | read |
2014 | ||
25/09/14 | The end of the College is near, and the parachuting season is starting – R&D is setting up its radar! | read |
14/02/14 | Breaking news: les parachutages n’existent plus | lire |
2013 | ||
10/12/13 | PMO – « Télépathie » d’un parachutage annoncé | lire |
2010 | ||
18/03/10 | New External Service of the EU – yes with the compliance with the rules of the European civil service – no parachutings of diplomats and national civil servants | read |