e-conference -New Ways of Working » The 3Bs “Bricks”, “Bytes” & “Behaviours” Friday 17 September from 13h to 14h30 with Grégory Jemine, Researcher, Doctor in Political and Social Sciences at the Laboratory of Studies on New Forms of Work, Innovation and Change (LENTIC) of the University of Liège, specialised in the NWoW “New Ways of Working” […]

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e-conference:”WHICH PEDAGOGIES FOR MY CHILD?” With Bruno Humbeeck,Educational psychologist, Doctor in Education Sciences, Lecturer at the University of Mons and Head of the Educational Resource Centre for Social Action (CREAS) Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, Montessori, Freinet… and, more recently, Céline Alvarez…. Which pedagogies to choose for your child?What are the foundations of traditional, active, libertarian and spiritualist […]

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