IN THE ANAGNOSTU case (F-72/11) THE TRIBUNAL CONDEMNS THE COMMISSION FOR MALADMINISTRATION AND infringement  OF STAFF REGULATIONS concerning PROMOTIONS After 4 years of procedure, the Tribunal stipulated that the Commission has wrongly applied the rules concerning the promotions rates imposed by the Staff Regulations.  Indeed, DG HR has for years applied arbitrarily promotion rates, which […]

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Suggestions for promotions are available since Monday 16th June morning in Sysper: as every year, R&D set up its helpdesk (link) to assist the colleagues wanting to appeal against their unsuccessful proposals. Moreover, R&D has already informed you about the tremendous inequalities in the distribution of promotion quotas between DGs (link): your chances for a promotion […]

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  R&D has repeatedly criticized the distribution of the possibilities for promotion in the DGs for last year’s promotion exercise (lien). Although we intervened before the proposition for promotions by the Directors General, DG HR remained inflexible and did nothing to alter this distribution that favoured / disadvantaged some DGs in some grades. Did DG […]

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