Psychological harassment, meaning and prevention Tuesday 07 March from 1pm to 2.30pm with Marie PEZE Doctor of Psychology, psychoanalyst, former legal expert Head of the “Souffrance et travail “ – “Suffering and Work” network « The production of value is no longer to be sought in work but in new management methods » Marie PEZE Psychological […]

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In the recent weeks, R&D with its partners in the Alliance and the other unions have been called upon to negotiate the new anti-harassment policy. You have also been invited to participate in a discussion to make your contributions via the GRP-New anti-harassment policy Teams group. In addition, R&D works closely with the colleagues who […]

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THE EU STAFF LABELLED  AS DRUG ADDICTS! R&D defending the staff in all institutions answers your questions! Reminder of the facts The relocation of the executive Agencies to the North Light building in the Brussels Northern District has been firmly rejected by the staff and their representatives underlying among other things, the increasing feeling of INSECURITY in […]

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