Brussels, 10 November 2020 The reform of the Junior Professional Programme “Eppure si muove ” (and yet it moves) Our Programme 2018-2021 Junior Professionals Programme: “buddies first!” Our Actions 11/7/2018 Junior Programme—Model of complaint 4/7/2018 Note from to the Alliance to the attention of Mr OETTINGER Commissioner in charge of Budget and Human Resources 18/6/2018 “Junior Programme” aka […]

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Brussels, 19 February 2019   Note to the attention of Ms Clara Martinez, Head of Cabinet of President Juncker and Mr Martin Selmayr, Secretary-General of the Commission   Subject:        “Parachuting” of Cabinet members at the end of the College’s mandate Ref.:           Statements of Mr Selmayr and Mr Italianer recorded in paragraph 7.12 of the minutes […]

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