Templates are now available for complaints against the reduction or elimination of the Annual Travel Allowance!

Dear colleagues,


During March 2014, many of you made a complaint against the reduction or elimination of the annual travel allowance.

We thank you once again for your trust!


In fact, we had considered that in order to ensure the admissibility of Article 90 § 2 complaints regarding both the travelling time and the travel expenses it was important to make them immediately after the en­try into force of the new Staff Regulations.


With their initial replies, the Appointing Authority are considering that:


– the complaint regarding the reduction of travelling time is admissible,

– regarding the travel expenses, the relevant individual decision that a complaint can be made against is the salary slip for the month of June.


In such conditions it is essential to introduce a new complaint against this decision.


The different templates contesting the reduction or elimination of the annual travel allowance are now available on our website which has already received more than 38.000 hits!


Time-limit: within 3 months of receiving your payslip of June 2014. To avoid problems, we advise lodg­ing the appeal before the end of August 2014.


What will happen next?

More than ever, only in UNITY is there strength!


We have made a commitment to you! You have constantly asked us to go further in ef­forts to UNITE fully ALL the forces so that the continuation of this litigation before the European Union Civil Service Tribunal is done in TOTAL UNITY of action across all ins­titutions and agencies!

We keep our promises and your message has been understood!

In this respect, detailed information will be sent to you as soon as possible.

Do you have questions about your personal situation?

Expert teams are at your disposal within each institution.