e-conference -New Ways of Working »
The 3Bs “Bricks”, “Bytes” & “Behaviours”
Friday 17 September from 13h to 14h30 with Grégory Jemine, Researcher, Doctor in Political and Social Sciences at the Laboratory of Studies on New Forms of Work, Innovation and Change (LENTIC) of the University of Liège, specialised in the NWoW “New Ways of Working” change processes

“Although ‘New Ways of Working’ projects are very popular in the private sector as well as in public organisations, their design and implementation is far from simple, since they imply a simultaneous rethinking of work spaces, the cultural and managerial fundamentals of the company, technological equipment, and the organisation of work”.
Grégory Jemine
Many of you followed the conference of 28 April on “New Ways of Working”, origin, legitimisation and challenges (see replay & slides).
Gregory Jemine introduced us to this work organisation, which dates back to 1996. A Dutch insurance company was faced with a lack of office space and to remedy this, Erik Veldhoen, a consultant, suggested the introduction of the concept of flexible work spaces. Microsoft followed suit by implementing “flexdesk” and “remote working” (use of new technologies).
Grégory Jemine will go deeper into the subject by deciphering the 3Bs – the “Bricks”, the “Bytes” and the “Behaviours” – in order to better understand what is at stake in these new work organisations and how we should face up to them in order to preserve your well-being and your health, based on concrete examples already put in place in certain companies and administrations.
Please come and participate so that together we can prepare
the negotiations on the New HR strategy
For joining the e-conference click on this link:
Should you have any questions, please contact OSP-RD@ec.europa.eu