With Bruno Humbeeck,
Educational psychologist, Doctor in Education Sciences, Lecturer at the University of Mons and Head of the Educational Resource Centre for Social Action (CREAS)

Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, Montessori, Freinet… and, more recently, Céline Alvarez….

Which pedagogies to choose for your child?
What are the foundations of traditional, active, libertarian and spiritualist education?
What are their precursors and representatives? 

Every parent wants the best for their child’s education so that they can prepare for their future with the best possible back­ground.  But faced with this market of pedagogies, the choice becomes difficult and weighs heavily on parents. And yet, each pedagogy has its strengths and weaknesses. Bruno Humbeeck will present an erudite and critical analysis of all existing pedagogies, their origins and the philosophers to whom it refers. He will provide us with guidelines so that parents and teachers can find their way in this “market” of peda­gogical ideas and draw on each current to offer the best possible education to their child.

« The importance in pedagogy is to understand that there are several currents but that one should not let oneself be carried away by only one …. » Bruno Humbeeck