Brussels, 2 June 2017     Note to the attention of Mr Selmayr, Head of President Juncker’s cabinet , and Mr Italianer, Secretary-General of the Commission     Subject :    Appointment of a member of Mrs Jourová’s Cabinet to a management post at DG Justice, Freedom and Security (DG JLS) Ref:            Our notes to […]

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R&D organizes a solidarity sale of Parmesan to help the victims of the massive earthquakes in Central Italy   We appeal to your generosity and solidarity!         After the earthquake, lives to rebuild… On 20 May 2012, a large-scale earthquake struck the “Emilia” region in Italy. This region is renowned, throughout the […]

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  Brussels, 16 May 2017 Note to the attention of Mr Martin Selmayr, Head of President Juncker’s Cabinet, and Mr Alexander Italianer, Secretary-General of the Commission   Subject :    Appointment of a member of Mr Moscovici’s cabinet to a management position at DG TAXUD Ref:            Our notes to your attention, dated 06 February and 22 […]

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