Brussels, 16 June 2020 NEW HR STRATEGY R&D requires a review, a method, a real involvement of the staff and a social dialogue worthy of the name According to the basic principle “Never let a good crisis go to waste”, the new DG of DG HR announced on last 29 May the launch of a […]

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Brussels, 15 May 2020 Note to the attention of Mr Gianluca Brunetti Secretary General of the European Economic and Social Committee Subject: EP decision of last 14 May 2020 refusing the discharge concerning the implementation of the budget of the European Economic and Social Committee for financial year 2018, following the report of the hearing […]

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Brussels, 8 May 2020 Note to the attention of Mrs Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission M. Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for Budget and Administration Subject: New programme allocations for the Executive Agencies: a total lack of transparency, respect for colleagues and in disregard of a resemblance of social dialogue The whole staff […]

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Brussels, 6 May 2020 CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC R&D demands the European Commission to shape the European Union of tomorrow and not let (once again) millions of citizens down Dear President von der Leyen, By our previous communications issued after the Euro-group and ahead of the European Council on the COVID-19 pandemic, R&D federal,the largest Trade Union […]

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