Brussels, 10 November 2020 The reform of the Junior Professional Programme “Eppure si muove ” (and yet it moves) Our Programme 2018-2021 Junior Professionals Programme: “buddies first!” Our Actions 11/7/2018 Junior Programme—Model of complaint 4/7/2018 Note from to the Alliance to the attention of Mr OETTINGER Commissioner in charge of Budget and Human Resources 18/6/2018 “Junior Programme” aka […]

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Brussels, 4 November 2020 CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC R&D salutes the Hamiltonian emission of the SURE Bonds and calls the European Commission to support the European Parliament in increasing the next MFF Dear Commissioner Hahn, In our five previous communications (link), R&D federal,the largest Trade Union representing the staff of the EU Institu­tions, Executive and Decentralised Agencies and other EU Bodies, has […]

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Le Renard Déchaîné special Court of Auditors EPSO Special Report A largely unsuitable selection process The report just made public by the Court of Auditors on the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) confirms the pitfalls repeatedly denounced by R&D for months, even years. The lack of attractiveness of the European institutions, recruitment at basic grades despite confirmed professional […]

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Brussels, 3 November 2020 Note for the attention of M. Gianluca Brunetti Secretary General of the European Economic and Social Committee Subject : Harassment at the EESC: with 608 VOTES FOR AND ONE SINGLE VOTE AGAINST, the EP DEFINITIVELY REFUSES the 2018 discharge to the Secretary-General of the EESC for the errors committed in the prevention and management […]

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