A year ago the Fit@work programme to improve the health and well-being of staff was launched within the Commission. Have you, personally seen any improvement? Investigations by experts show that 70% of psycho-social risks within the Commission are due to work requirements (35%), social relations in the work context (30%) and stress and burnout (15%), […]

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Mme K. Georgieva, Vice-Présidente en charge du Budget et des Ressources Humaines a démenti l’article paru dans «The Times» L’interview donnée par Mme K. Georgieva au journal The Times, le 23 décembre 2015, a suscité de nombreuses réactions de votre part. Face à votre inquiétude tout à fait légitime, nous avons contacté le cabinet de […]

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Following administrative and technical consultations with DG HR, as part of the negotiations that R&D conducted with our Alliance partners, on the basis of clear and motivated demands, we made real progress ,in both teleworking and part-time files*. Thanks to Vice-President Georgieva for her strong boost… R&D has immediately welcomed Vice President Georgieva for the courage […]

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After the progress made in the framework of the teleworking dossier, following administrative and technical consultations with DG HR, we also made real advances  in the the part-time working file. Hereafter, the main changes as far as part-time work concerned: The decision on part-time work forms an essential part of the Fit@Work programme and of the […]

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