3 YEARS WITH R&D – 2021/2024


With the health crisis, we had to learn to work differently, online and in a hybrid format, to break isolation, be as close as possible to your needs, and strengthen the tie between us.

More than 60,000 of you followed and re-watched our online conferences!

More than 8,000 of you attended our training sessions for the competitions and CAST organised by EPSO, without R&D asking you to pay a single penny!

Our specialised lawyers handled over 2,500 individual requests and several appeals before the Court of Justice.

More than 10,000 of you took part in our Parmesan solidarity action.

Thanks to your generosity, we raised nearly 80,000 EUR in donations.


Our success: putting PEOPLE at the heart of all our actions!

R&D has called for focusing staff policy on a culture of trust, particularly regarding flexible working!

With the pandemic, teleworking became the golden rule. You demonstrated that service continuity was assured even when working outside the place of assignment. To protect your health, we demanded the right to disconnect.

We have achieved significant progress, but we still need your support for all that remains to be done…

R&D has called for a safe working environment and conditions.

R&D was the first trade union to alert to the emergence of psychosocial risks by identifying risk factors and calling for a revision of the harassment prevention policy. Relentlessly, for over 8 years, with the best experts, its lawyers, and its team, R&D has kept pushing for change while successfully assisting victims in all officially recognised cases.

After lengthy negotiations with Commissioner Hahn, a new anti-harassment policy is now in place, including several of our demands, starting with the appointment of the Chief Confidential Counselor!

However, there is still more to be done. That is why R&D will propose a new psychosocial risk prevention policy to the new Commissioner!

R&D has raised concerns about the risks associated with the new work environment, the Dynamic Collaborative Space (DCS)!

R&D intervenes at the CPPT (Health and Safety Committee) for adapting workspaces to tasks, professions, and personal situations, and calls for mandatory consultation with staff!


  • Fought tirelessly for the defence of our colleagues in precarious situations by calling for all possible opportunities for the granting of permanent tenure to those colleagues.
  • Has called for the Commission to recognise the quality of work and dedication of its staff by offering real career prospects, particularly through a genuine internal competition policy, securing the organisation of the first internal competition for the benefit of our AST-SC colleagues following this request.
  • Secured the establishment of a diversity and anti-discrimination policy!
  • Has always been at the forefront of the fight against practices such as “parachuting” at the end of Commission mandates or abuses of the revolving doors, practices which, on the one hand, undermine the credibility of our public service and the reputation of our institution, and on the other hand, provoke critical reactions from the press, anger, and demotivation among our staff.