R&D has published an in-depth analysis, done by itself, of the negative consequences of such risks to the Commission by identifying the various reasons, based on expert studies, on the Commission’s specific indicators from administrative and other sources, proposing an action plan
R&D has
- denounced untreated cases of harassment and abuse;
- informed on this vast and complex subject;
- identified the psychosocial risks at the Commission;
- proposed prevention schemes;
- proposed an action plan including primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
Progress made
- new Commission decision on harassment with appointment of the Chief Confidential Counsellor
- the administration has started taking seriously this problem;
- taking into account harassment in the new GIP concerning IDOC investigations, particularly in the context of the protection of victims and witnesses;
- announcement of the implementation of a prevention policy;
R&D requests
- stop once and for all to bury their head in the sand by trying to deny all cases of harassment, particularly when members of management are responsible for it;
- the launch of a psychosocial survey;
- the recognition of professional pathologies related to these risks such as depressive states and burnout syndrome, chronic stress, psychosomatic diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, etc.;
- the creation of the post of Counsellor in psychosocial prevention
- the organization of the General States of Psychosocial Risks by inviting experts, members of the Administration, lawyers and staff representatives;
- the training of human resources managers to ensure better support for colleagues;
- the promotion of wellness areas.
Prevention of psychosocial risks
PSR and QLW, what are we talking about? + Presentation FR – Marie Pezé
Pourquoi le travail peut-il nous rendre malade? + Retranscription – Marie Pezé
Not being able to do your job properly… + Presentation – Marie Pezé
“The effects of hyper connectivity” + Presentation – Marie Pezé
“New work organisations” + Présentation – Marie Pezé
Pathogenic management, what are we talking about? + Presentation FR+ Pathogenic management techniques – Marie Pezé
Psychological harassment, meaning and prevention + Presentation – Marie Pezé
Institutional psychological harassment: when work organisation and pathogenic management push the victim to extremes! + Presentation – Marie Pezé
Burnout, what are we talking about? + Presentation + Burn out propagation test – Marie Pezé