Following our communication of 5 November on the results of the study of the NGO Oceana on fish served in the canteens of the European institutions, R&D has taken good note of the information published on 8 November on My IntraComm where it is recalled that OIB is very attached to the respect of the conformity […]
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Note to the attention of Mr M. Mouligneau, Director of OIB Brussels, 05 November 2015 Subject: Results of the study from NGO Oceana on fish served in restaurants or canteens of the European institutions in Brussels R&D was challenged today, following the results of a study conducted by the NGO Oceana in collaboration with the […]
Read moreQuelle soit physique ou mentale, la Santé est un des piliers de la constitution de l’Etre humain. Elle participe à favoriser l’équilibre de l’Etre dans la vie privée autant que dans la vie professionnelle. Il n’existe pas au monde une personne dotée d’une santé de fer. Tôt ou tard, nous se-rons confrontés directement ou indirectement […]
Read moreIn its October 2015 newsletter, PMO announces the new rules for the preventive medicine programme that have actually been in place since 1st July 2015. They would like us to believe that “These new programmes aim at increasing the effectiveness of preventive measures by taking into account recent developments in medical practice and science” (Administrative […]
Read more“…In 2011, scientists with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Ispra, Italy, reported that average on-road emissions of tested diesel vehicles exceed allowed limits by up to 14 times.” Nature – International weekly journal of science On the same topic: Corriere della sera In our opinion this underlines once again the importance of […]
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