Brussels, 1 June 2018 Note to the attention of Mr Günther OETTINGER Commissioner in charge of Budget and Human Resources     Subject: Inquiry of the European Ombudsman regarding the appointment of the new Secretary-General Parachuting, politicization of our civil service and urgent need to reform senior management appointment procedures in our institution […]

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    Brussels, 16 May 2018     Note for the attention of Mr Günther OETTINGER,  Commissioner in charge of Budget and Human Resources     Subject: Mediation Service   R&D attaches great importance to the mediation function within our Institution and closely monitors the functioning and results of the Mediation Service. However, it is […]

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Dear colleagues, Regarding parachuting Since our positions on parachuting and subsequently the appointment of the new Secretary General cf dossier parachutage), we have recorded a never before seen amount of support and strong encouragement to continue relentlessly our efforts that fall under the respect for the general interest. We once again sincerely thank the hundreds […]

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Brussels, 23 March 2018 Note to Mr Günther OETTINGER Commissioner in charge of Budget and Human Resources   Subject : Your reply of 9 March to our note of 28 February concerning the College’s decisions of 21 February on the appointment of Mr Selmayr as the new Secretary-General and on several other appointments of Directors-General and […]

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