The move to the 40-hour working week obliges many of you and especially female colleagues to reorganize your working time and family obligations. Apparently, the hierarchy too! We learned that talks are taking place in some DGs to discourage people working part-time and to ask them to switch back tofull-time. R&D has always been in favour of a better reconciliation of work and family life and denounces such practices which mark a profound regression in relation to social gains as well as a deterioration in working conditions. If you find yourself in such a situation, […]

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Following the unfavourable judgments delivered on Tuesday 19 November by the Court of Justice concerning the application of the method of adjusting our remuneration and pensions for 2011, many of you have shared with us your surprise and disappointment. Faced with this particularly complex situation, R&D immediately initiated an in-depth legal analysis – you will […]

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The Court of Justice requires the Commission to apply the basic principles of European employment law and the dispositions of the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights to its own staff!   The Court has recently delivered a judgement of historical importance which constitutes a decisive step in putting an end to the approach “do what […]

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Following the launch of the internal competitions we received many reactions highlighting your anxiety about the equality of treatment of candidates, notably in the section regarding your professional experience, and in particular, the discriminatory nature of the questions of the AD Talent screener. We completely understand the anxieties that you raised. And these serve to […]

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