L’intelligence émotionnelle à l’école et en famille Mardi 20 juin de 13h00 à 14h30 avec Bruno HUMBEECK Psychopédagogue, Docteur en Sciences de l’Éducation, Chargé d’enseignement à l’université de Mons et Responsable du Centre de Ressource Éducative pour l’Action Sociale (CREAS), il travaille sur des projets de recherche portant sur relations école-famille et société au sein […]

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THE PICARD CASE concerning the continuity of pension rights with Maître Sébastien ORLANDI – SOa Law Case C‑366/21 P – JUDGMENT OF THE COURT (Second Chamber), 15 December 2022 You were a contract agent or a temporary agent before 1 May 2004 or before 1 January 2014 and you have been ap­pointed as an official after these […]

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R&D  invites you to a new conference The “leading by example” in terms of offices “luxury suites” for some, “basement rooms” to be shared by the rest of the staff? Tuesday 25 April  from 13:00 to 14:30 The struggle for space, a study of the behaviour of top managers to maintain their spatial privilege – […]

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Flex-Office, HotDesk, state of practices, pros and cons  with Delphine Minchella, PhD Delphine MINCHELLA · Author of: « Les entreprises à l’heure du flex-office , contexte, enjeux, vécus », l’Harmattan and « Espaces de travail, nouveaux usages et nouveaux enjeux », Dunod Her doctoral thesis focused on the role of spatiality in managerial change To be published in 2023 in collaboration […]

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Psychological harassment, meaning and prevention Tuesday 07 March from 1pm to 2.30pm with Marie PEZE Doctor of Psychology, psychoanalyst, former legal expert Head of the “Souffrance et travail “ – “Suffering and Work” network « The production of value is no longer to be sought in work but in new management methods » Marie PEZE Psychological […]

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