R&D congratulates the happy “clients” from cabinet BARROSO, TAJANI, FULE and REDING click here on their recent appointment as Director or Advisor and would like to offer them a gift: a parachute with their initials embroidered with gold thread. Enough is Enough! While thousands of young officials will fail the internal competitions, while thousands of civil […]

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For several weeks, R&D reported a real invasion of “parachutists” jumping from all floors of the Berlaymont to senior management posts which were freed in advance, sometimes by thanking acting colleagues who often occupied those posts for months…   These nominations  and career accelerations are all the more unacceptable when the post-2004 colleagues still have […]

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Faced with the disastrous consequences of the Kinnock Reform, R&D continues to plead for regular internal competitions, to repair the damage suffered by the post-2004 colleagues.   However, R&D is firmly opposed to the organizational arrangements imposed by the Commission for the ongoing competitions.   In particular, as explained in our previous communiques, R&D pointed out its strong disagreement on several is­sues […]

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Vous n’avez pas été proposé à la promotion lors de l’exercice 2013 et souhaitez introduire une réclamation art. 90 ?   Depuis la publication des listes, comme toujours R&D s’est mis au service des collègues qui souhaitaient introduire une réclamation en mettant à leur disposition un modèle de réclamation à adapter selon le grade d’appartenance (lien).   […]

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