The new rules will come into effect not before July 1th –  the first day of the month following their publication in the administrative information bulletin!

The new regulation will reduce by about 30% the value of acquired rights to be transferred into the EU pension scheme! You should therefore act quickly and submit your request immediately, as the previous General Execution Arrangements will still apply for those cases in which the date of application (for transfers “in”) predate the coming into force of the new GEAs.

We encourage all Civil Servants, temporary staff and contractual agents, and more particularly the “Shipwrecked” from the 2004 reforms, to submit IMMEDIATELY a request which, while not committing you to anything, nevertheless will allow you to keep more of your pension rights in the event of a pension scheme transfer!

No member of staff needs to take a final decision before receiving an official proposal from the Institution indicating the number of extra years of pension rights that a possible transfer will produce!

For more information, explanation and transfer request forms on intracomm:


See also: