Brussels, 22 February 2021 Spacious individual offices, parking spaces and luxury chairs for managers and dynamic offices for staff “Leading by example” approach, the establishment of the ‘culture of trust’ advocated by Commissioner Hahn cannot remain a mere slogan, but must be accompanied by visible changes. Thank you for your support! So many of you […]

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Brussels, 15 February 2021 Right to disconnect Following the adoption of a resolution on this subject by the European Parliament, The Commission must now present a proposal for a bill on the right to disconnect On January 21, the European Parliament (EP) adopted the resolution concerning recommendations to the Commission on the right to disconnect […]

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Le Renard Déchaîné special Teleworking/Hotdesking Hello! Hello! Berlaymont!… We have a serious problem! The wellbeing of the staff cannot be reduced to the disgracious barter system designed by DG HR between teleworking and hotdesking, framed by the absence of any social dialogue and genuine consultation of the staff. Respecting the rules is not an option […]

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Bruxelles, le 21 décembre 2020 Note à l’attention de M. Petr Blížkovský Secrétaire général du Comité des Régions Objet : Affaire McCoy Nous tenons à vous faire part de notre grande satisfaction concernant le règlement amiable que le CdR vient de conclure avec notre collègue M. Robert McCoy. A cet égard, nous avons apprécié votre volonté […]

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