Note for the attention of Ms Christa Schweng President of the European Economic and Social Committee Subject: Your message of 2 June to the EESC confirming your full confidence in your Secretary-General and his administration and not addressing a single word of solidarity to the recognised victims of harassment Ref: My note of 7 May […]

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e-conference:”WHICH PEDAGOGIES FOR MY CHILD?” With Bruno Humbeeck,Educational psychologist, Doctor in Education Sciences, Lecturer at the University of Mons and Head of the Educational Resource Centre for Social Action (CREAS) Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, Montessori, Freinet… and, more recently, Céline Alvarez…. Which pedagogies to choose for your child?What are the foundations of traditional, active, libertarian and spiritualist […]

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Draft Commission decision on working time and hybrid working, including teleworking : we invite you to send us your comments and suggestions! Dear Colleagues, Many of you have asked us about the Commission’s new policy with regard to working time and hybrid working, including teleworking. You rightly pointed out that it was unacceptable that no […]

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