e-conference SAVE THE DATES Bruno HUMBEECK’s appointments Bruno Humbeeck Educational psychologist, Doctor in Education Sciences, Lecturer at the University of Mons and Head of the Centre de Ressource Éducative pour l’Action Sociale (CREAS), he works on research projects on school-family relations and society at the Centre de Recherche en Inclusion Sociale To help you prepare […]

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“Draft decision on the prevention of and fight against psychological and sexual harassment” Items presented by the Alliance at the political concertation with Commissioner Hahn Dear Colleagues, At the political concertation with Commissioner Hahn on Wednesday 12 July, conducted in a very positive atmosphere and with the greatest trade union unity, the Alliance presented the […]

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Childcare facilities (Creche) at Grange. Yet another service bites the dust…? In letter Ares (2023)4728789-07/07/2023, DG-SANTE informed the Brussels Local Staff Committee of its decision to close the childcare facilities of Grange at the end of October 2023. This closure is inevitable, according to DG-SANTE, due to the conclusions of a “Security Audit Performed by […]

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