Cristiano Sebastiani, the president of the Staff Committee of the Commission replies to the Commission proposal of EU Staff pay and conditions during the Staff assembly on the 30/6/2011 in the Berlaymont
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Proposal for a Regulation of the EP and the Council amending the Staff Regulations of Officials and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union The main documents presented to the Staff on June 29 2011 – 19:10 pm 20/06/2011: Contributions from the Austrian, Danish, Finnish, French, German, Netherlands, Swedish, United Kingdom […]
Read moreThe main result of price surveys covering around 2500 consumer goods and services across 37 European countries shows that 2010 PLIs for total household final consumption expenditure (HFCE) on goods and services in Belgium is 12% higher than the 27 EU Average. Source: Eurostat Statistics in focus Author: Barbara KURKOWIAK 28/2011
Read moreAt his meeting with the trade unions on 6 May 2011, VP Šef?ovi? tried to put an end to the pessimist rumours regarding the reform of the Staff Regulations. Does the European Commission really want to defend its staff? Staff must be ready to join forces and take action.
Read more?On Monday 9 May 2011, the SURE Committee (??Committee on Policy Challenges holding a Special committee on the policy challenges and budgetary resources for a sustainable European Union after 2013) holded an additional meeting dedicated to the discussion on administrative expenditure in the next MFF. The exchange of views has taken place in the presence of […]
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