On 29 September 2010, the European Trades Union Confederation (ETUC) is organizing a European Action Day to protest against the austerity measures and the unfair way in which these measures are being implemented throughout Europe.
Let’s all meet at 13.00 hrs, in the Midi Station’s Hall, in front of Eurostar’s entrance.

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Following the information meeting of February 18, more than 30 colleagues became volunteers for helping the pilot project of the Brussels’ Fire Brigade that aims to ensure a multilingual support for the operators answering calls to the 100/112 in the Brussels Region. Visits to the 100/112 call centre of Brussels (Avenue de l’Héliport 15, at […]

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Monsieur le Président de la Commission, Au moment de l’approbation de la nouvelle Commission par le Parlement européen, et au nom de mes collègues de R&D, je tiens à vous féliciter chaleureusement pour le résultat obtenu au Parlement européen qui vous permet de relever le défi de relance de la construction européenne. Le personnel de […]

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