The Commission’s proposal, as discussed and modified by COREPER, was adopted by the Council by written procedure. The increase of the “pension contribution” was also adopted as an “A” point by the Environment Council on 22 December. Staff will receive the net adaptation of 1,45% at the beginning of January. The President’s deputy Head of Cabinet […]

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Annual Adaptation Le personnel du Secrétariat général du Conseil, réuni en assemblée générale le 21 décembre 2009 sur convocation des OSP. Après avoir entendu l’exposé de ses représentants et en avoir discuté, DÉNONCE la décision du Coreper de faire adopter par le Conseil une adaptation annuelle des rémunérations qui viole le Statut et la méthode […]

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The European Commission, has indicated in a letter to the Staff that if Council fail to respect the proposal – as it seems to be the case -, the Commission will look into the legal steps which can be taken against the Council. 19/12/2009 C.Day and I.Souka message to Commission staff Annual salary adjustment […]

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In the wake of our requests, the Commission has provided us with some documents related to the establishment of the new External Service. Although it is too soon to attempt to give clear answers to staff members’ questions and concerns, all the below signatory Trade Unions provide here  their initial impressions on several points that […]

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