Text of the Political agreement on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending the Staff Regulations of officials of the European Communities and the conditions of employment of other servants of those Communities 2010/0171 (COD) This text was examined by the Antici Group on 15 and 22 June […]

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You are surely wondering how to maximise your purchasing power in this time of crisis? R&D has found some food for thought by carefully watching the Joint Research Center’s new practices . Contrary to what certain troublemakers who want to humiliate the JRC might think, the JRC senior management allows “anything to happen” not from a lack of courage or sensitivity, but only because it is a matter of putting in place a revolutionary research programme for “syphoning” public money in all legality. R&D is asking Mrs Geoghegan-Quinn the new Research Commissioner whether she is aware of such management tests which “contribute” to the reputation and credibility of the JRC and its staff.

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