R&D congratulates the happy “clients” from cabinet BARROSO, TAJANI, FULE and REDING click here on their recent appointment as Director or Advisor and would like to offer them a gift: a parachute with their initials embroidered with gold thread. Enough is Enough! While thousands of young officials will fail the internal competitions, while thousands of civil […]

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For several weeks, R&D reported a real invasion of “parachutists” jumping from all floors of the Berlaymont to senior management posts which were freed in advance, sometimes by thanking acting colleagues who often occupied those posts for months…   These nominations  and career accelerations are all the more unacceptable when the post-2004 colleagues still have […]

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64 years late!   Flexible working arrangements, beneficial to both employers and workers … such are the conclusions of an earli­er study by the European Commission!   If “New World of Work” means a host of new management practices (management by objectives, manage­ment by project, knowledge management, etc.) and organisational forms (networks, virtual and independent teams, etc.), which combine with each other […]

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