Ne sachant plus et comment héberger son Personnel, la Commission adopte une nouvelle Politique immobilière favorisant le “Nomadisme“. R&D s’interroge sur ces déménagements excessifs: « Notre Institution tournerait-elle sans cesse en rond dans l’espoir de retrouver ses compétences d’efficacité et d’organisation? » Alors que R&D se soucie de la bonne utilisation des ressources budgétaires, ces […]

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R&D has been closely following the case of the “Black Pearl” building since May 2015. Twice (Black Pearl 1 & 2), we had already identified the in­herent drifting in the realization of “Open Space”. Today, the decision was taken, without prior consultation with staff, to place off all staff in Open Space offices. After Act […]

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Too often the message of the Staff Representation is trivialized or downgraded by the Administration which claims to be at the forefront of modernity and accuses unions of not being able to modernize their analyses. In fact it is very often the institution that acts like a dinosaur that has missed the train regarding the […]

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