In short, we demand:

* Immediate and regular information on all aspects of the EEAS from the nascent service itself.
* Clarity on the practical aspects of staff’s daily lives as of 1 January.
* Clear, provisional arrangements now allowing the EEAS to function and staff to work with service level agreements with Council and the Commission.
* Clarity for staff from the Member States on the provisional arrangements applying to them.

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The 2010 CDR appeals phase is coming to an end. As last year, over 3500 colleagues filed appeals, mostly those with 4 or 5 points. R&D together with other trade unions fiercely defended each and every appeal in the competent committees and working groups.
R&D demand an end to this disaster: we invite the Commissioner and DG HR to finally accept the exorbitant failure of the CDR in its entirety, and to follow best practices in other institutions.
We cannot accept another round of this nightmare for everybody involved next year!

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NOTE FOR THE ATTENTION OF R&D MEMBERS Subject: requests for financial support by R&D Dear member, R&D makes legal advice available to its members for any problem concerning their professional lives in any of the European Institutions. Consultations take place on Friday mornings by appointment, which can be arranged with the R&D secretariat. Given that […]

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