It will always be the main priority for R&D to defend staff and the institution in the face of attacks by the Council looking to weaken the European Civil Service. This defence begins with awareness of the dangers that weigh on the European construction, as well as a strengthening of the Civil Service, by a rigorous application of staff regulations and with tackling the problems within our institution.

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Nous vous prions de bien vouloir trouver ci-joint copie de l’arrêt qui a été rendu le 28 Octobre dans l’affaire de M. Kay. Le Tribunal rejette malheureusement le recours.
D’une manière générale, cet arrêt est à placer dans la lignée des arrêts Centeno, Angé Serrano et plus récemment Pelaez Jimeno concernant la réforme statutaire. La liberté du législateur communautaire d’apporter à tout moment aux règles du statut les modifications qu’il estime nécessaire y est simplement érigée comme principe inébranlable… Et face au législateur, les juges semblent avoir bien peur…

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R&D has been against the current CDR system since the beginning. But while it lasts, we think it’s our duty to do our best to help and defend colleagues. Over six months, a team of experts from R&D and the other trade unions have defended more than 3,500 appeals (2,000 AD and 1,500 AST).
R&D will confirm its strong position for a definitive abandonment of this system – that has proved to be highly unsatisfactory for both staff and middle management members.

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