OIB TV… Back to the office in “The One”?

OIB TV Back to the office in “The One”? And “Back to square one” concerning the Wild West of open spaces? In the first episode of OIB TV recently launched (https://myintracomm.ec.europa.eu/dg/oib/Multimedia/Videos/Pages/VideoDetails.aspx?guid=7f70c310-1614-4da9-aa23-1d46c9cf8e8a), Marc Becquet, new Director of OIB, announces the entry of The One tower into the building stock of the Commission (link) designed with revolutionary […]

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Brussels, 7 July 2020 Note to the attention of Mr Gianluca Brunetti Secretary General of the European Economic and Social Committee Subject:         Harassment of the European Economic and Social Committee: the Belgian public prosecutor refers the matter to the Criminal Court in Brussels Ref:               My note of June 17, 2020 (https://www.renouveau-democratie.eu/2020/06/decision-of-the-eesc-bureau-of-10-june-2020-concerning-cases-of-harassment/) My note of 15 […]

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A New HR policy ? 

Brussels, 3 July 2020 A New HR policy ?  quite the opposite of the” happy few “  approach from the”Junior Professional “programme, of which the internal AD5 competition, which has just been published, constitutes the last step! In our communication of 16 June ( New HR strategy ) we set out the necessary conditions and prerequisites […]

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