Brussels, 5 August 2022 Note for the attention of Mr. Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources Subject: Outsourcing of the Wilson day nursery All the staff unions of the European Commission, united in the Common Front, have been informed of the outsourcing of the Wilson day nursery in circumstances that are unacceptable and […]

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La fiscalatà dei funzionari internazionali di origine Italiana The taxation of international officials of Italian origin FAQ Fiscalità italiaà-UE-IT.pdf Opening and introductory greetings/remarks / Apertura e saluti introduttivi Cristiano Sebastiani President of R&D / Presidente di R&D Gen. (c.a.) Alessandro Butticé, President of the Brussels-European Union Section  of ANFI* Presidente della Sezione […]

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BUILDING POLICY R&D urges OIB to stop considering the Executive Agencies’ staff as second-class personnel! R&D Federal, the largest Trade Union representing the staff of the EU Institutions, Executive and Decentralised Agencies and other EU Bodies, is calling on the Commission to instruct the OIB to stop treating staff in executive agencies as public service guinea […]

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