R&D would like to thank you all for your massive participation in the “Bal du Renard” on Friday, 17 October.   There were about 1000 people at the Orangerie in Tervuren and we had a very pleasant and relaxing moment with family or friends.   We were very touched by your warm thanks both with […]

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R&D invites you to a conference on HARASSMENT in the workplace by Doctor Marie-France Hirigoyen European institutions are constantly changing chiefly by means of periodic reforms and sometimes hasty restructuring, thus creating a fertile ground for harassment.   R&D has always highlighted the importance of respect, dignity and courtesy in the workplace and reiterates its position for […]

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The move to the 40-hour working week obliges many of you and especially female colleagues to reorganize your working time and family obligations. Apparently, the hierarchy too! We learned that talks are taking place in some DGs to discourage people working part-time and to ask them to switch back tofull-time. R&D has always been in favour of a better reconciliation of work and family life and denounces such practices which mark a profound regression in relation to social gains as well as a deterioration in working conditions. If you find yourself in such a situation, […]

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