Le burn-out, nouveau mal du siècle: De plus en plus de salariés sont la proie du burn-out, ce symdrome d’épuisement professionnel, causé par l’angoisse permanente et l’accumulation du stress quotidien. L’Express fait un point complet sur ce fléau du XXIe siècle, souffrance des temps modernes. Etes-vous à risque de subir un épuisement […]
Read moreProfessional and Private Life
R&D is delighted to invite you to a CONFERENCE on LEASE & PROBLEMS OF NEIGHBOURHOOD lease contract financial aspects end of the lease: practical modalities problems of neighbourhood: types & penalties speakers: Ms Eline Buckinx, solicitor Mr Johan Vonckers, solicitor (chambers Dal & Veldekens) FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 2014 COUNCIL, JUSTUS LIPSIUS 175, rue de la Loi, Brussels Room […]
Read moreR&D is delighted to invite you to a CONFERENCE on “Medical record and personal file” What is recorded Right to access personal records Protection of personal data speakers: Mr. Thierry Bontinck, solicitor Mrs Annaïs Guillerme, solicitor (chambers Dal & Veldekens) FRIDAY 10 OCTOBER 2014 Council, Justus Lipsius 175, rue de la Loi, Brussels Room 20.45 from 13:00 to 14:30 […]
Read more64 years late! Flexible working arrangements, beneficial to both employers and workers … such are the conclusions of an earlier study by the European Commission! If “New World of Work” means a host of new management practices (management by objectives, management by project, knowledge management, etc.) and organisational forms (networks, virtual and independent teams, etc.), which combine with each other […]
Read moreThe move to the 40-hour working week obliges many of you and especially female colleagues to reorganize your working time and family obligations. Apparently, the hierarchy too! We learned that talks are taking place in some DGs to discourage people working part-time and to ask them to switch back tofull-time. R&D has always been in favour of a better reconciliation of work and family life and denounces such practices which mark a profound regression in relation to social gains as well as a deterioration in working conditions. If you find yourself in such a situation, […]
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