The European Commission has adopted yesterday a draft proposal (COM(2010) 309 final) amending the Staff Regulations in view of the establishment of the External Action Service. The main purpose of the proposed amendments is to assure the main human resources requirements needed to set up the EEAS, by organising the transfer of Commission and Council officials to the EEAS together with the recruitment of national diplomats.
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At the General Affairs Council on 26 April, Mrs. Ashton committed to preparing a report on how she intends to achieve by 2013 the target of one third of the AD staff coming from the diplomatic services of Member States.
This paper sets out a number of ways by which this objective could be accomplished.
Debate concerning the extent to which development cooperation should be autonomous or more closely integrated into the EU overall external action. (Draft Council decision of the 20 March 2010) The brief presented by the European Institute of Public Administration is arguing that the Lisbon Treaty holds the potential to “developmentalise” EU external relations and that […]
Read moreWorking document on the European External Action Service: Regulation amending the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Communities – Commitee of Legal Affairs of the EP – JURI – Rapporteur: Bernhard Rapkay This document sets the scene for the necessary revision of the staff rules and financial regulation that fall under the […]
Read moreAs decided at the last plenary meeting of the Central Staff Committee and following the finalization with the Local Staff Committee Outside the EU, the CSC forwarded to the administration a positive opinion on the proposed statutory amendment required the implementation of the EEAS.
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