Here are some excerpts from a panel discussion held on April 8, 2010 to discuss the past, present and future of EU foreign policy in Washington DC by the Brookings Institution, a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, D.C.
One of the panelist was Giuliano Amato – the former primer minister of Italy was Vice President of the Convention on the Future of Europe that drafted the new European Constitution.
European External Action Service (EEAS)
Résolution relative au Service Européen d’Action Exterieure Le Comité Fédéral de l’Union des Fédéralistes Européens, réuni à Bruxelles les 27 et 28 mars 2010 prend note de la proposition de la Haute Représentante / Vice Présidente (HR/VP) de la Commission relative à la mise en place du Service Européen d’Action Extérieure (SEAE) ainsi que des débats […]
Read moreList of all the administrative entities to be transferred en bloc to the EEAS.
Read moreThe following is a list of all the administrative entities to be transferred en bloc to the EEAS. This does not prejudge the additional needs and the allocation of resources to be determined in the overall budget negotiations establishing the EEAS, nor decisions on the provision of adequate staff responsible for support functions, and the […]
Read moreThe heads of three major political groups in the European Parliament have warned Thursday that they did not accept the current draft of the EU diplomatic service, they threatened to veto its creation.
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