F4E staff deserve to see a proper follow-up of the critical results of all Staff Satisfaction and psychosocial risk assessment surveys F4E staff deserve to see appropriate corrective measures finally implemented, starting with the current F4E reorganization, which R&D fully supports In this respect, R&D has called on the best experts to carry out in-depth […]

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R&D  invites you to the fifth conference of Bruno Humbeeck’s appointments Teenager metamorphosis Friday 22 March from 1.00 pm to 2.30 pm « Teenager Planet » The teenager is a “hybrid being”. No longer a child, but not yet an adult, shaped by a troubled period during which neuropsychological changes, physiological upheavals, hormonal modifications and identity-related issues […]

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R&D  invites you to the fourth conference Of Bruno Humbeeck’s appointments Emotional intelligence in the workplace Tuesday 6 February from 1.00 pm to 2.30 pm At the first conference on emotional intelligence, we discussed emotions at the heart of school and family education. This second conference on the same topic will cover emotions at the […]

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Cyberbullying: Let’s Talk About It! Bruno Humbeeck is educational psychologist, Doctor in Education Sciences, Lecturer at the University of Mons and Head of the Centre de Ressource Éducative pour l’Action Sociale (CREAS), he works on research projects on school-family relations and society at the Centre de Recherche en Inclusion Sociale Cyberbullying is a form of […]

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e-conference SAVE THE DATES Bruno HUMBEECK’s appointments Bruno Humbeeck Educational psychologist, Doctor in Education Sciences, Lecturer at the University of Mons and Head of the Centre de Ressource Éducative pour l’Action Sociale (CREAS), he works on research projects on school-family relations and society at the Centre de Recherche en Inclusion Sociale To help you prepare […]

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