Assurances Santé Complémentaires Mercredi 22 mai 2024 avec Jean-Pierre Amond – SFPE/SEPS Comment savoir si une telle assurance est nécessaire ? Comment identifier l’assurance qui convient ? Les remboursements – parfois limités – du RCAM (plafonds, excessivité, exclusions, …) peuvent laisser des frais importants à votre charge en cas de maladie et hospitalisation. Si vous êtes malade […]

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Looking to the FUTURE of the European Schools System drawing lessons from the problems of the PRESENT Let’s discuss it with the Chairman of the Board of Governors! After the spring 2024 meeting of the Board of Governors, R&D invited you to a conference-debate with Antonio CENINI, Chairman of the Board of Governors Thursday 18 […]

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Burn out… Diagnose, prevent, react… Conference on Monday 11 December 2023 from 4.30 pm to 6.00 pm Presentation Bruno Humbeeck is educational psychologist, Doctor in Education Sciences, Lecturer at the University of Mons and Head of the Centre de Ressource Éducative pour l’Action Sociale (CREAS), he works on research projects on school-family relations and society […]

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Helping your child enjoy life at school… Bullying, school phobia, learning difficulties: how should you react as a parent? Bruno HUMBEECK Educational psychologist, Doctor in Education Sciences, Lecturer at the University of Mons and Head of the Centre de Ressource Éducative pour l’Action Sociale (CREAS), he works on research projects on school-family relations and society […]

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