Dear F4E colleagues,

Many of you support us in all the actions we undertake and  encourage us to continue in this direction.  I would like to express our deepest gratitude to you all !  

In order to deal with any concern on the lack of transparency in the decision-making process at F4E that could jeopardize trust in the fairness of the decisions taken, in the framework of the reinforced governance decided by the Commission towards all Agencies and external bodies, we have invited F4E to verify with DG HR of the Commission, before adoption, each important administrative decision in order to ensure its compatibility with the Staff Regulations and its implementing rules.

However, we are aware that this is not enough and it is also our duty to offer F4E staff the assistance they deserve starting by:  

1) The possibility of consulting our specialist lawyer

These consultations will allows you to clear up any doubts about the applicable rules and, eventually, to consider what action to take in the event of an irregularity affecting a decision concerning you. It will also allow us to raise issues with F4E’s administra­tion and/or to ask the intervention of the Commission’s central services, which are responsible for ensuring compliance with the rules in all Agencies and other bodies.

This effort on our part is all the more justified as we are perfectly aware that, also because of your highly specialised scientific profile, it is not always easy for you to grasp all the complexity of the Staff Regulations and its implementation procedures that we have negotiated at central level and that are subsequently also applicable to you pursuant to Article 110 of the Staff Regula­tions.

Because you deserve the best possible assistance, we are offering you the possibility to obtain the advice of the most renowned specialist lawyer, namely Maître Sébastien ORLANDI, the lawyer who recently won the Picard case concerning the continuity of pension rights after the Reform of the Staff Regulations for CAs and TAs


You will find all the necessary information below

2) Several conferences on administrative procedures open to all F4E staff  

We have also taken good note of your requests to organise thematic conferences on the administrative procedures arising from the Staff Regulations so that you can grasp all the aspects and ask all your questions.  

We will be pleased to start by organising conferences on :  

– disciplinary procedures to illustrate the composition and operation of the Disciplinary Board, the guarantees offered to witnesses, the role, obligations and responsibilities of the Appointing Authority and the main lessons to be learned from case law.

– a presentation of the new Commission’s decision on prevention of and fight against harassment, we successfully negotiated and which we urge F4E to adopt without delay in order to take account the conclusion of the last psychosocial risk assessment survey pointing out that F4E should “review the processes implemented for harassment, violence at work and discrimination, and the particularities highlighted in the report to improve the performance of F4E in these situations and the results obtained“.

Moreover, we are at your complete disposal to organise any other conference on adminis­trative procedure or other matter that you may wish to refer to us.

I would like to thank you once again for your trust!



Sébastien Orlandi , from SOa law firm,  will be on duty EVERYDAY by phone or email.

SOa Law Firm  has developed an expertise in:

  • · European Union—Litigation / Advice
  • · EU Civil service Law and EU Institutions Law
  • · EU contractual / Extra-contractual liability
  • · AND MORE…

Sébastien Orlandi advises and represents his clients at the Court of justice and other European institutions or agencies since twenty years

He has developed an expertise in the fields of European civil service law, institutional law and contractual disputes (European fundings, OLAF investigations…)

He regularly gives lectures on these specific areas of European law (European civil service law, ethics, harassment, social security law, disciplinary procedures…)

He provides advices for R&D federal in all European institutions and agencies