Parents’ Associations of the European Schools / / Staff Committees of the European Institutions / / Unions of the European Civil Service
Are saying NO to Budgets cuts in the European Schools!
R&D is supporting the common action day on the 12 of April 2011 and asking:
The Parents
to sign the pending petitions;
to join the demonstration planned for 12 April on the occasion of the meeting of the Supreme Council in Brussels and / or any other action planned for other locations of the European Schools.
The European Schools:
to maintain the availability and quality of education by ensuring the mother tongue learning core subjects and elective courses now eligible to be chosen for the test of BAC, which is essential to the pursuit of academic studies;
to provide all necessary funds for the replacement of absent teachers;
to continue to provide all the necessary options in 6th and 7th as the secondary current budget cuts lead to science classes disappearance and to no more choice regarding the third language;
to maintain the necessary support and integrate children with special needs
to help children with learning difficulties by restoring the funds necessary to reduce the current high school failure.
The European Commission:
To assume its role regarding the Member States by ensuring the fulfilment of their obligations under the Convention of European schools, including providing seconded teachers and infrastructure;
to review its decision on the 2012 budget so that the EU contribution per student is not reduced compared to the 2011 budget;
to ensure that in case of budget cuts, the administrative costs of the European Schools system are reduced – instead of reducing d the costs directly related to the process of the education.;
to clarify the part of the special levy on wages, which was used to fund schools in Europe since 2004, according to legislative intent.
The Parliament and the Council
to provide the means and to guarantee adequate budget for the proper functioning of Schools;
to recognize the merits of an educational infrastructure that supports the geographical mobility of personnel and the institution’s backup multilingualism.
Board of Governors’ of the European schools
not to adopt at its meeting of April 12 to 14, decisions that would seek to resolve a budget impasse by imposing temporary and inflexible measures as permanent and more importantly, that would interfere with the basic educational needs of students;
to carry out before any implementation, an impact study on the practical implications of proposed measures to reduce the general budget of the European Schools.
The Secretary General of the European Schools
request that the 2011 budget of the European Schools should be corrected to offset the financial burden arising from the recent extra ordinary decision of the Court of Justice, which is an “unavoidable circumstance” under Article 15 of the Financial Regulation of the European Schools so that this does not alter aspects of teaching and learning.
IT IS HIGH TIME TO REACT : MEETING the 12 APRIL 2011 at 9am Rue Joseph II 30 in front of the The Secretary General of the European SchoolsJOIN OUR RANKS!