R&D a appris avec préoccupation les nouvelles du fort tremblement de terre qui a frappé l’Ile de Haiti avec, à première vue, des importantes pertes en vies humaines

R&D et ses adhérents solidarisent avec toutes nos collègues et leurs familles en ces moments difficiles et restent à leur disposition pour donner toute l’aide possible en fonction des possibilités.

R&D s’est immédiatement activé pour aider tous les collègues qui pourraient avoir besoin d’aide indépendamment de leur affiliation syndicale et statutaire.

One thought on “Earthquake in Haiti: solidarity to our colleagues

  • 14/01/2010 at 17:30

    Just published on the web:

    ECHO experts work in close cooperation with the Commission’s Delegation which is responsible for managing development aid. ECHO staff were on the phone during the quake and most of the staff of the Commission and EU Member States in Haiti seem to be safe.
    However the whereabouts and situation of some staff members could not yet be verified due to a breakdown of communication lines after the quake. The building housing the Commission’s Delegation and the ECHO office has been damaged, and it might prove necessary to re-allocate staff temporarily to Santo Domingo in the neighbouring Dominican Republic.

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