R&D calls for putting the “HUMAN”
at the heart of the Human resources management of our Institution
Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme
- Legislation
- Useful information
- Supplementary Health Insurance (conferences on 9 April & 22 May 2024)
3rd Part – Professional welfare focused on HUMAN management
- The European Union as an employer
- Implementing the meaning to work
- Developing recognition at work
- Establishment of an organisational justice
- Promoting organisational empathy
- Development of a policy of equality and diversity
- Conclusion
2nd Part – We expect much more and much better! The administration must review its HR Strategy paper
- Solidarity is in R&D’s DNA
- “United we stand, divided we fall”
- Working conditions
- Recruitment and selection
- Specific needs require dedicated responses
- Career management
1st Part – Analysis of Psychosocial Risk factors in our services!
You are the backbone of the institution and the European Union!
And yet, in every crisis, staff become the target of the Member States and suffer psychological mistreatment!
Analysis of Psychosocial Risk factors
- Work intensity and working time
- Emotional requirements
- Conflicts of value
- Autonomy
- Social relations at work
- Insecurity
- The right to disconnect: a fundamental right to protect workers’ health
- What about the application of this right within the European Commission as employer and as guardian of the Treaties?
- The staff has not mutated into a hybrid species, half-human, half-robot!
- The Joint Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work (CPPT) has its say…
- The “EU Careers” brand, created in 2010 with the aim of increasing the attractiveness of the EU as an employer, has not fulfilled its objective, both geographically and socio-economically
- An inadequate recruitment process for specialists
- The weaknesses of the recruitment process
- Conclusion
- Workshop « Open spaces at the EU Institutions versus traditional work spaces: justification, evolution, evaluation,and results».
- Advantages and disavantages of open space
- The experiences of the European institutions
- Just as the earth is not flat, the reality of open spaces with its accompanying ills is undeniable
- Conclusion
- DG HR’s ever more chaotic approach in this “Modernisation of human resources”, exercise…
- After several meetings with DG HR, we regret to confirm that all our questions are still open…
- Consider the scientific presentation of the JRC among others that we will present to you during this process
- From theory to practice: an example to follow: Re-open EU project.
- The key aspects of an entrepreneurial culture
- For decades now, the Commission has talked about abolishing silos but never walks the talk.
- Conclusion
- DG HR’s ever more chaotic approach in this “Modernisation of human resources”, exercise…
- After several meetings with DG HR, we regret to confirm that all our questions are still open…
- Consider the scientific presentation of the JRC among others that we will present to you during this process
- From theory to practice: an example to follow: Re-open EU project.
- The key aspects of an entrepreneurial culture
- For decades now, the Commission has talked about abolishing silos but never walks the talk.
- Conclusion
- Recall of the facts: The refusal of dialogue with the unions within the agencies, namely “no unions in my kingdom”
- Social dialogue within the executive agencies: finally a significant progress!
- Thank you very much for your support!
- R&D is committed to work alonside the colleagues of Executive Agencies
- In response to your invitation to work towards a greater UNITY OF ACTION of the staff representation
- In response to your requests regarding the aspects to be addressed in priority in future meetings between the unions and the directors of the agencies: let us establish together the reference framework of the social dialogue!
- Concerning cases of mismanagement of staff and harassment
- Concerning the need to strengthen the role of DG HR vis-à-vis the executive agencies
- Concerning the need to strengthen the synergies between the agencies and the parent DGs
- Conclusion
- Our pension system as established by the Staff Regulations is far from being a sinking Titanic but is in perfect balance and already provides for all the mechanisms to ensure that this balance is ensured at all times.
- The pensions of retirees are not paid by young colleagues on duty
- Member States are not free to decide at any time not to pay or no more pay their contributions and pretend to forget that they benefit from the advantages offered by the making available of the contributions paid.
- Acquired pension rights are not a heinous privilege, but a founding legal principle of any rule of law, recognized and protected by all jurisdictions.
- Why is R&D against the creation of a pension fund?
- Notwithstanding this, in case an actual fund is created, what are the possible hypotheses?
- Regarding the possibility of appealing to the Council for any positive reform or even for a simple zero-cost rebalancing of our pension system, let us not fool ourselves quickly!
- Under these conditions, can the staff be reassured and have nothing to fear? Absolutely not !
- Regarding attacks on our pension system, it is essential for R&D to…
- R&D commitments
- Edito
- Réflexion sur la « médiation » au sein des institutions européennes
- Le type de conflit
- Outils existants pour résoudre les litiges
- Les modes alternatifs de résolution des conflits tels que la médiation
- Le service de médiation de la Commission, respecte t’il les principes clés de la médiation?
- 5 propositions de R&D
- Edito
- The mediation service must be provided with sufficient resources in order to guarantee optimal functioning
- An increasing number of requests that the mediation service is in no way likely to manage satisfactorily
- The only time the administration seems to be interested in the mediator is at the occasion of the appointment procedure…
- …every effort shall be made to undermine the Opinion of the Staff Committee imposed by the Commission Decision of March 2002 on the appointment of the Ombudsman
- … Since the adoption of the Commission Decision of March 2002, this was the first time that the mediator was appointed without the opinion of the Staff Committee!
- The procedure for appointing the contested mediator before the Court of First Instance
- Edito
- Introduction
- Part I – Psychological Harassment
- Part II – Other psychological risks
- Part III – Identification of psychological risks at the European Commission
- Part IV – Prevention device
- Conclusion
- Annex
- On 4 October, the European Parlement called into question all the limits of the mechanism put in place to avoid conflicts of interest of current and former members of the Commission
- On 26 October 2016 , faced with the lack of reaction from the Commission in relation to the Barroso and Kroes cases, EP acted and voted the freezing of the allowances of outgoing commissioners! Never seen before!
- On 28 October 2016: the opinion of the ad hoc Ethical Committee on the Barroso case was given: no offence committed, but a very serious lack of judgment
- On 30 October 2016, the European Ombudsman highlights the limitations of the opinion of the ad hoc Ethical Committee on the Barroso case and plans to launch an ad hoc survey
- On 5 November 2016, in his interview on the newspaper « Le Soir » President Juncker acknowledged for the first time the limits of the code of conduct and announced his willingness to reform it.
- R&Dinvites the President Juncker to pursue with determination his approach by going to the bottom of the Barroso and Kroes cases and reforming the whole system set up for the management of conflicts of interests of commissioners.
- What will it happen now?
- On 4 October, the European Parlement called into question all the limits of the mechanism put in place to avoid conflicts of interest of current and former members of the Commission
- On 26 October 2016 , faced with the lack of reaction from the Commission in relation to the Barroso and Kroes cases, EP acted and voted the freezing of the allowances of outgoing commissioners! Never seen before!
- On 28 October 2016: the opinion of the ad hoc Ethical Committee on the Barroso case was given: no offence committed, but a very serious lack of judgment
- On 30 October 2016, the European Ombudsman highlights the limitations of the opinion of the ad hoc Ethical Committee on the Barroso case and plans to launch an ad hoc survey
- On 5 November 2016, in his interview on the newspaper « Le Soir » President Juncker acknowledged for the first time the limits of the code of conduct and announced his willingness to reform it.
- R&Dinvites the President Juncker to pursue with determination his approach by going to the bottom of the Barroso and Kroes cases and reforming the whole system set up for the management of conflicts of interests of commissioners.
- What will it happen now?
- The “ad-hoc” internal competitions…
- …An invasion of ‘parachutists’ is expected …
- And finally a CEI … for the well-connected?
- The Fox answers your questions