At his meeting with the trade unions on 6 May 2011, VP Šef?ovi? tried to put an end to the pessimist rumours regarding the reform of the Staff Regulations. Does the European Commission really want to defend its staff? Staff must be ready to join forces and take action.

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?On Monday 9 May 2011, the SURE Committee  (??Committee on Policy Challenges holding a  Special committee on the policy challenges and budgetary resources for a sustainable European Union after 2013) holded  an additional meeting dedicated to the discussion on administrative expenditure in the next MFF. The exchange of views has taken place in the presence of […]

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Pour le médiateur européen de Strasbourg, les fonctionnaires passent leur temps à “chercher à tirer profit au maximum de leurs avantages”. Nous manquerions d’ouverture d’esprit (sic), nous prendrions des décisions sans se fonder sur des éléments concrets (des “preuves” dans le texte), nous ne serions pas prêts à reconnaître nos erreurs… Notre conduite professionnelle serait […]

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