Assurances Santé Complémentaires Mercredi 22 mai 2024 avec Jean-Pierre Amond – SFPE/SEPS Comment savoir si une telle assurance est nécessaire ? Comment identifier l’assurance qui convient ? Les remboursements – parfois limités – du RCAM (plafonds, excessivité, exclusions, …) peuvent laisser des frais importants à votre charge en cas de maladie et hospitalisation. Si vous êtes malade […]

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R&D  invites you to the fourth conference Of Bruno Humbeeck’s appointments Emotional intelligence in the workplace Tuesday 6 February from 1.00 pm to 2.30 pm At the first conference on emotional intelligence, we discussed emotions at the heart of school and family education. This second conference on the same topic will cover emotions at the […]

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Childcare facilities (Creche) at Grange. Yet another service bites the dust…? In letter Ares (2023)4728789-07/07/2023, DG-SANTE informed the Brussels Local Staff Committee of its decision to close the childcare facilities of Grange at the end of October 2023. This closure is inevitable, according to DG-SANTE, due to the conclusions of a “Security Audit Performed by […]

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Psychological harassment, meaning and prevention Tuesday 07 March from 1pm to 2.30pm with Marie PEZE Doctor of Psychology, psychoanalyst, former legal expert Head of the “Souffrance et travail “ – “Suffering and Work” network « The production of value is no longer to be sought in work but in new management methods » Marie PEZE Psychological […]

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