Brussels, 22 February 2024 NOTE TO PMO COLLEAGUES  Dear colleagues at PMO, Many of you have told us about your difficulties, we have been very sensitive to your requests for help and we would like to thank you once again for your confidence. On the occasion of the appointment of the new Director, we feel […]

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Brussels, 14 February 2024 Note for the attention of Ms Minna Vuorio Director of EPSO Subject:  Request for resignation as Director of EPSO As staff representatives, we acknowledge the vital role of a well-functioning European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO). However, we are writing to express our deep concern and dissatisfaction with its current management. We […]

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Brussels, 20 February 2024 Note for the attention of Ms Annelies Verlinden, Minister of the Interior, Institutional Reform and Democratic Renewal Mr Rudi Vervoort, Minister-President of the Brussels-Capital Region Subject: Current alarming security situation for staff of the European Institutions in some Brussels districts Dear Minister, Dear Minister-President, With the present letter, Renouveau et Démocratie […]

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R&D  invites you to the fourth conference Of Bruno Humbeeck’s appointments Emotional intelligence in the workplace Tuesday 6 February from 1.00 pm to 2.30 pm At the first conference on emotional intelligence, we discussed emotions at the heart of school and family education. This second conference on the same topic will cover emotions at the […]

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