RENOUVEAU & DEMOCRATIE ‘s trade union activities
are based on three concepts :
The EEAS sector of R&D is the latest of the Trade Unions to be represented in the EEAS, starting only at the last elections in 2019, however we are a part of R&D, which is the largest Trade Union in the Commission. We naturally subscribe to the overall policy of R&D, however we focus on the specific issues of the EEAS, having colleagues both in in Headquarters and in Delegations, as well as ensuring that all categories are well represented.
We work for fair treatment and equal opportunities to all colleagues, no matter where they came for when they joined the EEAS. We work for transparent recruitment and promotion processes for all. We want open debates between the Administration and the staff on upcoming HR policies and new initiatives.
We work for that the EEAS continues to be an attractive place to work and that it continues its efforts to become a modern and adaptable employer in full respect of its staff and its diversity.
We work for that the HR systems of the EEAS will place the staff in the centre instead of the procedures, for a holistic approach to the staff. There are still much we can do on the administrative side, without having to change the statute.
We work for that the EEAS in its staff should represent the Europe we work for, we want more representation in our recruitments and amongst our staff.
The last years with the pandemic has been difficult for all and it is therefore imperative that the social dialogue, both with the unions and with the elected Staff Representatives, is a priority for the EEAS Administration. One example is that the majority of staff welcomed more flexible working arrangements, which in the right circumstances can be a benefit for both staff and organisation. This should be kept in mind now when looking at the new working methods – instead of just going back to the old ways.
We will continue to work for all staff, irrespectively of where your place of employment is and where you come from. The more we are, the more we can do – so come join us.
Main Areas we work on to make the EEAS a modern and attractive employer:
- Equal working conditions for all staff categories in the same place of employment.
- All staff, in spite of original affiliation, should have equal career and promotion prospects. Transparency in promotion and selection exercises is of outmost importance for this.
- Development of career paths for all staff categories.
- Follow up on the Local Agent Reform and the effect on colleagues.
- Ensure that colleagues are not blocked in a category. This include working for competitions, both internal and external, to help colleagues to progress in their careers.
- Proper working conditions and equipment for working both when in the office and when telework.
- Follow up on the implementation of the new HR Policy for Diversity and Disability.
- Follow up on actions against harassment and how the organisation takes action when harassment takes place.
- Improvement of training possibilities, both virtual and in person.
You want to be active?
To become a member of R&D EEAS, please follow this link below and sign up via the main website of R&D.
Another option is to contact either Oren or Majbritt, and we can guide you through the process.
Who are we?
Where are we present?
At the 2019 election, our first, we had two pairs elected to the Staff Committee: Elena Madi Florescu and Lorenzo Zimelli and Majbritt Le Courtois and Fabrizio Zaccari.
In addition, we participate in different working groups and committees that is established, both at the level of the Unions as well as on the level of the Staff Representatives. We always try to be present as many places as possible, to ensure that the view and interest of our members are represented, and the more we are to do this, the better.