Time Mastery – A key of performance and happiness
Comment retrouver la maîtrise du temps?- Facteurs fondamentaux, – Méthode de Gestion du Temps, – Outils pratiques au quotidien, Avec Pierre Moniz-Barreto, Entrepreneur, auteur de l’ouvrage :“Slow Business, Ralentir au travail et en finir avec le temps toxique” Editions EyrollesSpeed, tension, lassitude, épuisement, burn out…
You recently attended this conference on the 27th of October 2015. Thank you for your interest to the actions we organize.
As agreed, you will find attached the presentation by Mr Pierre Moniz-Barreto .
For additional media coverage, please visit the web page of Mr Moriz-Barreta Medias & Events . By clicking on each item, you will access to all articles and interviews in their entirety.
For those who wish to deepen their reflection, here are three books (two in English, one in French) advised by our speaker:
– Pat Brans, Master the moment – Fifty CEOs teach you the secrets of time management (CBS, 2010)
– John Clemens & Scott Dalrymple, Time Mastery – How Temporal Intelligence will make you a stronger more effective leader (AMACOM, 2005)
– Jean-Louis Servan-Schreiber, Le nouvel art du temps – Contre le stress (Albin Michel, 2000)
These books are dated but contain real terms of quality on the subject. The JL Servan Schreiber’s book is the oldest one but it is more oriented “general public” therefore easier to address, while 2 others are more specialized and rather aim an audience of managers-leaders.