>> 3 July 2008 Modernisation of the Commission’s Human Resources OPEN LETTER to Mr President BARROSO, Mr Vice-President KALLASNext week’s Commission meeting features an agenda point with the misguided title ‘Modernisation of the Commission’s Human Resources’. This document, which has never been subject to the compulsory social dialogue with staff representatives, and which has only been received by us through informal channels, poses dangerous threats to the survival of a competent, permanent and independent public service (and therefore of our Institution). Four years after the damaging Kinnock reforms, administration, human resources and staff unions are still smoothing out as far as possible the damaging effects of the new staff regulation. Now, the dogma by which the ‘Holmquist-Madelin-Verrue_Report’ is guided represents another major attack on the consistency, dignity and efficiency of the European Civil service. Other documents about internal seminar on Human Ressources: |